I was watching TV on "SuperDuperTuesday" and decided to do some quick sketches of the candidates. The two Obama sketches were done during quite a long speech he was giving, but i did each in about 30 seconds. That squirrely guy down at the bottom is supposed to be Mike Huckabee. Unfortunately, the clip they were playing of him was only about 5 seconds, so most of this was made up. I definitely need to get some more sketches of this guy in here, because he is my absolute favorite (to draw). His face is so rubbery and disgusting and his eyes look so crazy, like someone poured a bottle of Jack into the barrel of hog shit he's been drinking.
Seriously, is this guy for fucking real?
The Obama piece was then taken to color in Photoshop for about 10 min and viola.
I'll definitely be doing more of these since they're really fun.
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