This is a quick Wolverine piece I did. The ol' Wolvster was a favorite of mine as a kid. Don't care for his character or his character's overexposure too much these days, but drawing him definitely brings back some fond memories. I was always a fan of "battle torn" Wolverine, where his clothes were all shredded to hell and he was getting all cut up while undoubtedly also getting burnt by his cigar ashes. (Damn! Forgot to put that in!)
No matter, though. He'd be all healed up by the time the last punch was thrown. And he could always hit up Prof. X for a new costume or two. Speaking of costumes, I was envisioning him to be wearing his old brown and yellow duds in this pic. Those were always my favorite back from the 80's and early 90's.
"I've got claws, I can use 'em!" - the talking Wolverine Toy biz toy, c. 1991. This should also be the caption of this piece. : )
Nice Wolvie drawing here, Mr. Cole!
Back in the day, I remember not liking the brown/orange costume in particular (it reinded me of tacos and Spanish class).
But now, it's really grown on me. I think I might have realized just how ridiculous yellow and turquoise looks on someone calling himself 'Wolverine.'
dude!! i completely forgot to mention in my post that this pose was actually inspired by this old turn-and-twist/slashing-action action figure! good call!
YEAH!!! lOVE Wolverine! Always have. I want one of my very own...
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