Saturday, February 23, 2008

Batman Cover 1 of 3

Three Batman images came to me the other day, so I doodled them up real quick and intend to take all to finish. All three images are rather simple concepts like the one shown here, but that's what I like about them. They are all consistent in their heavy use of black, Batman's face only being shown through the use of those familiar eyes, and the Bat insignia being shown some other way in the piece. Pretty well-worn territory, I'm sure (I never really followed any of the Batman titles that closely, so I'm not that familiar with many "famous" cover images), but hopefully something unique will come out of them.

{EDIT: After some thought and seeing what this image looks like on the web, I've decided to re-do it and do a better job of studying the draping of Batman's cape. The image seen here was completely impulsive and I feel that if some more convincing draping was applied to the piece instead of these fake-o spaghetti-looking folds, it would definitely strengthen the piece. Should have another one up within the week.}

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2 Minute Sketches

Whenever I'm penciling a page, I always keep a folded letter-size piece of paper under my right hand to protect the drawing from smudging. After a while, the paper gets dirty, or I temporarily misplace it, so I grab a new sheet. Instead of discarding the old ones, I've recently started doing really quick sketches on them.

In these examples, Robin's face looks totally messed up. I made his eyes too far apart and he kind of looks Asian. I think at one point during college I was trying to perfect the whole "eyes too far apart" thing when drawing faces, but I've since tried to take a different, more anatomically correct approach. I'll getcha right next time, buddy boy.
I'm pleased with the way the Joker turned out, though. To me, he looks like a combination of the old Cesar Romero Joker with the new, gritty Heath Ledger Joker. (Is anyone else now scared to see that movie? I'm scurred.)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Character Sketches - Dragonlance Chronicles

Character studies of some goodies and baddies in the Dragonlance world. Many more to follow.

Wiener, Dawg.

This was a last minute (sshhhh) Valentine's Day card drawn yesterday afternoon. The reason it was last minute attempt was due to the fact that I left the intended card, as well as my umbrella (ella ella ella ehh ehh), at a restaurant on Wednesday night. I returned to the restaurant literally about two minutes after we left to find my umbrella exactly where it had been, but the cards on the table were gone. The server, instead of admitting to the fact that the cards had probably been thrown away with the rest of the trash on the table, refused to admit any fault and insisted that someone walked by and took them.

If you don't know me, I'm about 5'9", brown eyes, brown hair and must look EXTREMELY NAIVE. There's nothing I love more than being lied to after leaving a tip.

Oh well. I actually like this card and had a lot of fun drawing it.

Happy belated Valentine's Day to all you lovers out there.

Friday, February 8, 2008


This is a quick Wolverine piece I did. The ol' Wolvster was a favorite of mine as a kid. Don't care for his character or his character's overexposure too much these days, but drawing him definitely brings back some fond memories. I was always a fan of "battle torn" Wolverine, where his clothes were all shredded to hell and he was getting all cut up while undoubtedly also getting burnt by his cigar ashes. (Damn! Forgot to put that in!)

No matter, though. He'd be all healed up by the time the last punch was thrown. And he could always hit up Prof. X for a new costume or two. Speaking of costumes, I was envisioning him to be wearing his old brown and yellow duds in this pic. Those were always my favorite back from the 80's and early 90's.


CNN Sketches

I was watching TV on "SuperDuperTuesday" and decided to do some quick sketches of the candidates. The two Obama sketches were done during quite a long speech he was giving, but i did each in about 30 seconds. That squirrely guy down at the bottom is supposed to be Mike Huckabee. Unfortunately, the clip they were playing of him was only about 5 seconds, so most of this was made up. I definitely need to get some more sketches of this guy in here, because he is my absolute favorite (to draw). His face is so rubbery and disgusting and his eyes look so crazy, like someone poured a bottle of Jack into the barrel of hog shit he's been drinking.

Seriously, is this guy for fucking real?

The Obama piece was then taken to color in Photoshop for about 10 min and viola.

I'll definitely be doing more of these since they're really fun.