Three Batman images came to me the other day, so I doodled them up real quick and intend to take all to finish. All three images are rather simple concepts like the one shown here, but that's what I like about them. They are all consistent in their heavy use of black, Batman's face only being shown through the use of those familiar eyes, and the Bat insignia being shown some other way in the piece. Pretty well-worn territory, I'm sure (I never really followed any of the Batman titles that closely, so I'm not that familiar with many "famous" cover images), but hopefully something unique will come out of them.
{EDIT: After some thought and seeing what this image looks like on the web, I've decided to re-do it and do a better job of studying the draping of Batman's cape. The image seen here was completely impulsive and I feel that if some more convincing draping was applied to the piece instead of these fake-o spaghetti-looking folds, it would definitely strengthen the piece. Should have another one up within the week.}