The following three pages are my latest round of comic samples. I feel that they are the strongest that I have done so far; displaying many of the tips I have received from professionals along the way. There are two pages left to this particular sample. These two other pages are from the same 22 page script, but a different scene that includes the rest of the Gen13 team.
I took these samples to WizardWorld Philly in June and got a very positive response. I am looking forward to finishing these, along with several other 3-page samples before I go to San Diego Comic Con International later this month. Looking at these pages now, about three weeks after their completion, I think my main criticism has to be that my anatomy, while more precise than in previous samples, is still rather stiff. Luckily, this can only be fixed through more STUDYING and more DRAWING!
One tool that I have found that has already loosened my work up a bit since I have started drawing with it only a couple months back is a non-repro blue pencil. For those who don't know, this is a special kind of pencil that does not show up when copied or scanned. Thus, no erasing! Also, I think the fact that I know it is not the final pencil line allows me to loosen up ON the actual page. The lead in the pencil is softer and a bit waxy, which is a nice change from the rather harder leads that most comic artists use. For whatever reason, I'm always so happy with the expressiveness and looseness of the blue lines that I put down. So right now non-repro blue pencils are on the top of the list as far as useful drafting tools for comic artists. In the next few posts maybe I'll tackle lightboxes and Google SketchUp.
Wow, these are great! I think they're far better than the original samples you posted. The flow is much better, and your anatomy is better. I can see what you mean about still being a bit stiff, but I think practice and underdrawing with a non-repro blue will help a lot. Overall I think this sample is beautifully drawn, really. And the dreaming of the Robinson Family tree/being stuck in the rain under a slab bit has a great feeling to it.
The only thing that kinda lost me is the middle panel on the inset on the second page. I have no clue what's going on there. But then, I have no idea what the powers of any of the Gen13 team members are, so maybe it's me.
Lucky, you're going to San Diego! Every year I say I might go, and then I don't. Have a blast, though, and kick the artistic asses of everyone there. : )
Thanks for your comments, Ms. Policia!
To clarify: In the middle panel on the inset on the second page, we are in our Gen13 heroine's point of view -- looking up THROUGH the water, seeing the sabretooth tiger roaring above. If you compare it to the panel in the lower left corner, you may now be able to make out some fangs, etc., that are drawn with a wobbly "underwater" effect. :)
hope that helps.
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