...and Nightcrawler, too. Waiting there for me, yes I do...
Yes, the first attempt (the dark one) is a mess. I feel like I was looking too much at too many artists' takes on this character, which is why he looks so... combined. First of all, I used that silly middle-of-the-face shadow, as if light sources are constantly hitting his face at equal distances from the left and right. I don't have a problem with this, its just that most of the artists who have pulled this look off are old-school rough layout pencilers and brush-only inkers. Like old John Romita, Jr. style. However, since I usually pencil tightly and use a brush pen which can achieve very fine detail, I don't think this look is conducive to my style.
I like the second attempt better, but still do not feel that I have captured the essence of this character's face yet. His face is still too long and narrow and structured. Too 'model-ish.' Even though he has fangs and pointy ears, he does not read as an elf to me. The general shape of his head needs to be more egg-like and less square. However, I do like the texture of the hair more on this one than the first.
I'll have to keep trying with Nightcrawler until I get him right. Alicia, wanna show me how it's done? :)
And beautiful yours blog
sin that I do not know
the language. Mine
blog and only poetries
I have the poetico mind
you want to come to visit it?
of I would be happy… I am up to You
NIGHTCRAWLER! My dude. However, Wolverine still has my heart. The Kiosk of Doom has not arrived yet. They have an all male Kiosk team this year. This should be intersting. I would like to visit one day when you guys aren't too busy. The path train is less than a mile from here, and I have used it to get to Blyn before.
Yay! There's my Fuzzy Elf. : )
I'm torn. I like the expression and personality of the first drawing, but the second one is more Dave-esque in its style and inking, and has the proper slight curl to the hair. Love the butt-chin.
I agree with the too 'model-ish' statement. Or maybe he looks more like a Vulcan with fangs and blank eyes.
I can't show you how it's done, because I'm not Alan Davis. Alan Davis is the best Nightcrawler artist ever, in my opinion. After him, I would say John Byrne. But that's just me.
If Mike Allred drew a Nightcrawler, it would be awesome as well.
Just steer clear of the Nightcrawler as a priest crud. Man, that really stuck in my craw. >: P
More! We want more -- Nightcrawler!
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