...and Nightcrawler, too. Waiting there for me, yes I do...
Yes, the first attempt (the dark one) is a mess. I feel like I was looking too much at too many artists' takes on this character, which is why he looks so... combined. First of all, I used that silly middle-of-the-face shadow, as if light sources are constantly hitting his face at equal distances from the left and right. I don't have a problem with this, its just that most of the artists who have pulled this look off are old-school rough layout pencilers and brush-only inkers. Like old John Romita, Jr. style. However, since I usually pencil tightly and use a brush pen which can achieve very fine detail, I don't think this look is conducive to my style.
I like the second attempt better, but still do not feel that I have captured the essence of this character's face yet. His face is still too long and narrow and structured. Too 'model-ish.' Even though he has fangs and pointy ears, he does not read as an elf to me. The general shape of his head needs to be more egg-like and less square. However, I do like the texture of the hair more on this one than the first.
I'll have to keep trying with Nightcrawler until I get him right. Alicia, wanna show me how it's done? :)