OK, so now that this week's fun thing to do is draw with a metallic silver marker and white-out pen on toned paper, I naturally have to find characters that would fit into this cheeseball aesthetic I have set-up for myself until I'm bored with it in about four days. Today's is villainness Silver Sable, who... um.... I don't really know anything about her other than she wears silver and has white hair and probably wears frosted lipstick. Luckily for me, that's all I really need to know!
Tomorrow's post will be sweet-as-sugah X-man Rogue and on the drawing board after that is DC Comics's Steel! Any other suggestions?
Nice! I totally dig her hair.
You could of course, do Silver Surfer. Or Ultron. Or Deathlok the Terminator. Quicksilver. That shiny silver lady from WildCATS...was it Void or something like that? Wendigo. Ice from the JLA (although she is more blue and white, silver would work). Wonder Woman in a toga (with her wristlets).
The Silverhawks.
I personally think a great Madman drawing could come of this technique. Honestly.
Keep up the good work.
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