Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Thank you to all who showed your support and picked up an issue of Birds of Prey last week.

Overall, I felt pretty good about the issue, considering it was my first printed work. It's weird seeing your work in print for the first time; you have no idea what to expect, especially since there were many stages after mine in the production chain before the product is completed. Aside from my horrid cropping choices, there were points where the inker and colors looked better than I had expected, and there were also areas where I thought color choices were somewhat lacking.

This issue showed me that 1) I've got a hell of a lot to learn, 2) I've got a hell of a lot of competition, and 3) if you keep working hard, you'll grow. (All of these I've already known for as long as I can remember, but there's nothing wrong with a little consistent reminder to keep you on your toes.) I was really nervous working on this issue. The pages that I'm currently working on for my new projects are flowing out of me with much more ease and confidence. The Birds of Prey issue, while completed only 2.5 months ago, seems like ages.

Thanks again.

Friday, November 16, 2007


When Superman died in the early 90's, this was one of his replacements that showed up to be Metropolis' primo superhero. I actually really like this character's look for some reason, and he was fun to draw. I have no idea what his powers are. As far as I know, he's just a dude in a metal robot suit, which should really give you any power you want. If you wear a metal suit (including metal thong --- shrinkage, ya know?!) and it doesn't do everything you want, you got screwed. So my version of this character has some sort of electricity that shoots out of his hand to meet the needs of this week's cornball drawing technique. Works for me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cornball Sketch Technique - Rogue

As promised... here's comics' favorite southern belle. :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Faces - Silver Sable

OK, so now that this week's fun thing to do is draw with a metallic silver marker and white-out pen on toned paper, I naturally have to find characters that would fit into this cheeseball aesthetic I have set-up for myself until I'm bored with it in about four days. Today's is villainness Silver Sable, who... um.... I don't really know anything about her other than she wears silver and has white hair and probably wears frosted lipstick. Luckily for me, that's all I really need to know!

Tomorrow's post will be sweet-as-sugah X-man Rogue and on the drawing board after that is DC Comics's Steel! Any other suggestions?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Illustration Friday - Hats

When you live in New York, you'll notice that the slightest indication of seasonal change is more than enough reason to don your latest favorite accessories. That first nippy breeze in September brings out the scarves. Those damp, rainy October days call for your new golashes. Now that we're a week into November, you can only imagine...

With all the characters I see in this city, the idea of 'hats' as a theme was a good one, because the variety you see is countless and it's interesting how the hats reflect the personalities of the people wearing them. All these characters were drawn from imagination, and I could have (and should have) achieved more variety from real life observation while drawing.

Hope you enjoy them!

PS -- Yes, I know some of the characters aren't wearing 'hats' per se, such as the headband dude and the earmuffs guy, but they're close enough ;)