This was the last set of samples I've vowed to do for comic publishers. This isn't to say that I think they're perfect, but I've realized that the time spent working on samples that eventually bring me no work could be at least spent on pages that are my own. My own story, my own chracters, my own world - my own pitch. Then, the work becomes a part of a larger whole, not just three random pages that have nothing to do with anything else.
I'm currently working on a pitch with a friend of mine. Instead of taking the traditional writer and illustrator roles, we've begun a true collaboration where I'm taking on a large part of the creating and writing too -- the art is still all me, though :) I've found this process to be creatively rewarding so far and am looking forward to have a formal pitch together to send to publishers in the very near future. As everyone in comics knows, it only takes a couple good paragraphs to hook 'em, the rest you just make up as you go along!!
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