Don't tell anyone, but I didn't do a page-a-day on these samples. They took me more like six months to complete, in part due to the fact that i completely forgot they existed. They laid buried under a pile of art rubble in my apartment under a futon.
The sample plot that I was working from for these pages was a little wierd. In fact, they might have been a little too out there for convention purposes. There's too much emoting going on here and not enough easily decipherable action and advancement of a plot. Too many "character moments," if you will.
I probably shouldn't have shown them. The style and artistic ability are noticeably different from the first to the last page. Also, I had some other work that was stronger than these pages, and it's always better to show a smaller but stronger portfolio than a sprawling, diversified body of work.
Sure was fun drawing Thor, though.
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