I haven't even seen the second Fantastic Four movie featuring this character yet, but I'm lovingn Pasqual Ferry's art on Ultimate FF, so I thought I'd give ol' Norrin Radd a try. Quick gripe first, though: Pasqual Ferry's art isn't inked, which is fine. Same goes for Leinil Yu on Avengers. However, WHY are the colorists on BOTH those books going so very very DARK with their work???? You can barely tell what the hell's going on half the time!!! Even on good quality, glossy paper stock! It's a complete waste of two people's month's worth of work! Setting a mood for the book is one thing, but who wants to pay for a comic where the art is a dodgy mess? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Blame the editors, I guess. It's their call.
This piece is mildly successful for a 20 minute sketch. I think it's pretty clear I was going for a fish-eye lens, actual-surfer effect. However, I completely slaughtered the proportions, especially on the upper half (look at that freaking thimble of a head). Still, I like the motion of the piece and am trying to incorporate a more fluid, animated element into my work. I'll keep trying!
Oh, also, I think I need to start doing these sketches on larger paper. Standard letter size is awfully cramped. I think the reason I do it, though, is because I need a bigger scanner. There's no way I'm going to do multiple scans and frankenstein them together for the sake of this blog.